
IPFS, the Interplanetary Filesystem wants to make the web more decentralized by running it on top of a P2P network. Let's take a look at how IPFS works, how it can solve issue's like censorship and...
You might have found out that there is a website that checks if your online accounts have been compromised by hackers. So you enter in your email address and OH NO… You have been pwned! Hackers now...
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum uses enormous amounts of energy. That's because of the proof-of-work algorithm. In this video I'll explain how the proof-of-stake algorithm works. An alte...
The Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon are very advanced spacecrafts. So that got me thinking: what is powering these vehicles? In this video we'll take a look at what programming languages, operati...
Not all cryptocurrencies have their own blockchains. Instead they run on top of other platforms like ERC20 tokens run on top of Ethereum. This video explains what these tokens are and why ERC20 was...
Companies are collecting more and more data about us and that can cause harm. With differential privacy companies can learn more about their users without violating our privacy. Sources Anderson...
Two huge security issue's found in almost all modern processors. How do they work and what can we do about it? Let's find out! Make sure that you install all the latest patches for your operating s...
Cardano (ADA) is gaining a lot of traction, but what makes it so special? In this video I'll explain all the problems that the Cardano team intends to solve. It boils down to: Scalability, Interope...
How does IOTA's tangle work and how does it compare to a traditional blockchain like the one Bitcoin uses? In this video I'll explain this topic in a simple way! Small mistake I made in the video: ...
Bitcoin has a 7 transactions/second limit, far too low for becoming a major payment provider (VISA handles on average around 4000 transactions/second). So how can we solve this? One of the proposed...
Recently we’ve heard about a Bitcoin hard fork. But what is a hard ford? Cryptocurrencies are being developped by large groups of people. It happens from time to time that people disagree about the...
Smart contracts are tiny applications that run on a blockchain. The biggest smart contract platform is Ethereum. These contracts allow you to lock up your funds and release them when certain condit...
Everyone is talking about blockchains and cryptocurrencies these days. But what is this blockchain thing? A blockchain is a way of storing data so that cannot be changed anymore. This is called imm...
How does public-key cryptography work? What is a private key and a public key? Why is asymmetric encryption different from symmetric encryption?
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